Stress and my skin

What are the consequences of stress on the quality of my skin?

Le stress peut avoir un impact significatif sur la peau et causer divers problèmes dermatologiques.

  • Acné : Le stress peut augmenter le niveau de cortisol dans mon corps, ce qui peut entraîner une production accrue de sébum et une exacerbation de l'acné.
  • Eczéma : Le stress peut déclencher ou aggraver l'eczéma, une affection cutanée qui peut causer des démangeaisons, des rougeurs et des lésions cutanées.
  • Psoriasis : Le stress peut déclencher ou aggraver le psoriasis, une maladie auto-immune qui peut causer des plaques squameuses sur la peau.
  • Dry skin: Stress can lead to skin dryness by unbalancing the skin barrier and weakening the skin's hydrolipidic film, which is the protective shield against external aggressions. This leads to a more rapid evaporation of the water contained in our epidermal cells and a consequent drying out.
  • Wrinkles and fine lines: Stress can accelerate skin aging by reducing collagen production and increasing levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol not only increases sebum production, it also alters the skin barrier. Our skin is more sensitive, more fragile, and therefore more difficult to face the free radicals responsible for the premature aging of our skin.

What are the solutions?

  • Faire de l'exercice régulièrement : L'exercice peut aider à réduire le stress en libérant des endorphines, des hormones associées à la sensation de bien-être.
  • Try outdoor activities: Outdoor activities, such as walking, gardening or hiking, can help reduce stress by providing a peaceful setting and connecting with nature.
  • Mener une vie équilibrée : Mener une vie équilibrée, qui inclut une alimentation saine, suffisamment de sommeil et du temps pour soi.
  • Se connecter avec les autres : Se connecter avec les amis, la famille et les collègues peut aider en fournissant un soutien social et émotionnel.
  • Relaxation: It is a simple and effective method that you can insert in your daily life to help reduce your stress level and improve your general well-being.

Effective relaxation methods

  • Meditation: This is a practice that involves conscious concentration on the present moment and deep breathing. Meditation can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity. Many apps can help you practice guided meditation for a few minutes a day.
  • Yoga: This is a physical practice that involves postures, controlled breathing and focusing on the present moment. Yoga can help improve flexibility, breathing and relaxation.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This technique involves the conscious contraction and relaxation of different muscle groups to help reduce muscle tension and stress.
  • La respiration profonde : Cette technique implique la prise de plusieurs respirations profondes pour calmer le système nerveux et réduire le stress.
  • L’imagination guidée : Cette technique implique la visualisation d'images paisibles et apaisantes pour aider à calmer le corps et l'esprit.
  • It is important to note that relaxation is a personal practice and can vary according to individual preferences and needs. It is recommended that you find a method that works best for you and practice it regularly to maximize its benefits.

Some additional tips

  • Make a list of all the little things that make you feel good and post it where you regularly look (bathroom mirror for example) to think about them. Examples: read an article, apply a mask, drink a hot beverage, listen to music, take a bath, call a friend, take a few minutes of sun... You can pick an idea to apply from time to time.  
  • Get up 20 minutes earlier than everyone else to enjoy the quiet of the house, enjoy your tea and take a deep breath.
  • Isolate yourself during the second half of your lunch break and take 30 minutes just for yourself. Use this time to blast your favorite song in your ears, rest or take advantage of the outside light and stretch.
  • Sit on a couch and do nothing. Absolutely nothing for 30 minutes. You'll find that the exercise is more disconcerting than it sounds and demonstrates how much we're always looking for something to do.
  • Establish rules for the use of your smartphone. Nowadays, we have lost the habit of being bored because at the slightest moment we take out our phones and surf on social networks. But these are also a source of stress between the news, the ads that assault us, the continuous flow of information ... Set the "concentration" mode so as not to be stimulated all the time by the screen that lights up with a notification. And to convince you for good, know that looking at your cell phone accentuates your double chin and wrinkles your neck.  

In conclusion

Relaxing regularly can bring many benefits for the health and beauty of your skin. It is therefore important to integrate moments of relaxation into your daily life and this is possible if you impose a discipline on yourself, because even small doses of a few minutes per day, any action is beneficial.

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